Let the horses be our guides.
Harnessing the power and beauty of horses to inspire and encourage children of all ages.

For Hank’s Sake is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to harnessing the power and beauty of horses to inspire and encourage children of all ages.
For Hank's Sake has a steadfast commitment to rescuing neglected and unwanted horses, then providing them with loving care, rehabilitation, and retraining for useful purposes.
For Hank's Sake uses horses and equine related learning activities to bring love, hope, and healing to vulnerable populations. We are on a mission to empower communities for a brighter future.
We envision that we will one day live in a world where animal abuse and neglect will no longer be tolerated in our society; that our rehabilitated horses will continue to add precious values to our communities; and that our model of animal care will serve as a benchmark of global excellence. For Hanks Sake started with one horse; but its voice will continue growing to speak up for all animals that need it.
Love is at the core of what we do. It is the heartbeat that propels our dedication and devotion to helping disadvantaged horses and at-risk children. We serve with compassion, humility, and deep gratitude for the privilege of helping our horses help others. We are fueled by The Power of Love; it is the strength from which our service overflows. “Love reigns here” is more than a slogan. It empowers us to serve the horses in our care, our communities, and all who enter our stables.

Hank the Hero! A horse on a mission.
For Hank’s Sake was named after the organization's first rescued horse, a Tennessee Walking Horse, named Hank.
Hank teaches us that no matter how bad things get as long as you have love and humility in your heart, you can recover from anything.
Hank has become our ambassador, a symbol of hope, and a beacon of light for all animals suffering from neglect. The little heart-shaped white fur beneath his forelock inspired the For Hank’s Sake logo, creating a lifelong brand of love.

Help Hank change the world.
It costs about $5,000 per year to care for a horse. As our herd grows, we could use help for things like hay, medicine, and supplements.
Hank has many projects going on to spread a love for literacy and would love for you to join our efforts in getting our message as far and wide as possible.