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Reason to Live #775
March 23, 2016

Equinox Boarding Stables and For Hank's Sake have joined forces. Their mission? To be a safe haven and a voice for abused and neglected horses and animals everywhere.


All rescue efforts are in honor of founder Tammi Jo Regan’s late father, Duane C. Regan, who during his life championed everything these two organizations represent.


In Duane’s precious honor and memory, Stall #4 at Equinox Boarding Stables will forever be reserved and revered for an incoming rescue horse. A sweet and playful promise was made to her Dad a little over one year ago, when Tammi Jo assured Duane, “I’ll always keep Stall #4 open for you, Pops.”


Standing in Stall #4 today is the newest addition to Hank’s herd: Wallace “BraveHeart” Regan.


Rescued in the eleventh hour, this big, beautiful fourteen year old Belgian Draft Horse came to For Hank’s Sake by way of an online intermediary process that stays the imminent slaughter of horses for a brief period of time, unless and until enough funds can be raised to have the horse rescued and re-homed.


Upon seeing the photo of “#775” on the list of horses slated for slaughter that week, For Hank’s Sake founder, Tammi Regan, sprung immediately into action. Having developed a fondness and affection for Belgians over the years, Tammi was powerfully drawn to the image of this big, beautiful boy and set about sharing his story by way of texts, phone calls and posts all across social media to help raise the funds for his rescue and transport. Her mission was to intercede quickly enough so that “#775” could live out his days with peace, companionship and comfort alongside the rest of the For Hank’s Sake herd.


But how to urgently raise funds for a horse with no name? How does one connect with a horse labeled “#775?” Tammi, knowing that this horse could surely feel in his bones the bleak fate that awaited him, began referring to him as “BraveHeart.”


Naturally, it calls to mind the film and Mel Gibson's character, William Wallace, leader of the Scottish peasantry fighting for their freedom against the English... against all odds, and with literally every odd against them.


What dignity and courage it must take for such a highly intuitive and perceptive animal to walk among his fellow herd mates and human handlers, whose job it is to manage dozens of horses a day who share the same, sad fate. Surely this horse could instinctively sense that all was not well, as he found himself wearing away at the withers, his fate in unknown hands.


A big, brave, beautiful horse with a big, brave, beautiful heart belongs nowhere if not with Tammi and the rest of the For Hank’s Sake herd. In fact, each and every one of Tammi’s six rescue horses have brought with them their own brand of courage, dignity, and heart. Their collective survival, companionship, and bond is what makes up the heartbeat of the herd.


Cute little Clover, who has endured so much in her sweet life, is named after the heart-shaped leaf that bears the same name. Sweet Sugar, who is so loving and affectionate, you can’t help but give her some sugar every time she leans up against you. Stunning Scarlet, a gorgeous, gentle, dark bay girl with a wounded heart, who tugged at Tammi’s heartstrings in much the same way as BraveHeart, sight unseen. Ever expressive, her presence and impact was deeply felt by Tammi before they even met one another. And JoJo, Smarty Jones’ first generation offspring, whose racing career prematurely ended before it began, due to injury. Touched by the promise of what could have been, Tammi saw her beauty and potential. And finally, handsome, happy Hank and his little splotch of white fur beneath his forelock in the shape of a heart.


Tammi’s very first rescue, his heart inspired the For Hank’s Sake logo, creating a lifelong brand of love all the way around.


#775 is no longer just a number. He is a living, breathing, big-hearted and brave survivor. But rather than dismiss or deny his narrowly averted slaughter name, BraveHeart brings his number with him... not as his identity, but as his story.


Reason to Live #775, Wallace “BraveHeart” Regan, is home in Stall #4. Safe. Sound... and free. Welcome to the herd, brave boy. We adore you.

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