Pages For a Purpose
Literacy Excellence Program
Hank the Horse®️ visits libraries to empower and encourage children of all ages to achieve literacy excellence.
Pages for a Purpose reading programs are designed to empower and encourage kids of all ages to achieve literacy excellence through horses and equine related learning activities.
Join Hank’s Heroes and help Hank the Horse create a brighter future for children everywhere!


Horses and Libraries have partnered in the past, Hank the Horse®️ and Tammi are traveling in the steps of the Packhorse Library program, a rich part of Kentucky's History. The effectiveness of this type of partnership was proven as literacy rates climbed in 1935 when the program was started to help children access books. For Hank’s Sake is also opening a world of reading to children in need of hope for a better future. The foundation has been laid through the success of Hank's partnership with Kentucky libraries. Hank is stepping up the pace to get more books into the hands and minds of children everywhere.
Through increased literacy rates we can see students excel in confidence, educational achievement, and greater success. We have created pathways through creative, engaging and effective reading programs for children. Hank the Horse is on a mission to continue giving children a brighter future through his fun and engaging reading programs.

Hank the Horse®️
Brand Ambassador, Pages for a Purpose Literacy Excellency Program
In keeping with the Mission each of the following programs are designed to empower and encourage kids of all ages to achieve literacy excellence through horses and equine related learning activities.

Hank the Horse®️ is an inspirational storybook series about a once lonely horse. Hank lived alone and neglected on a farm. He was dirty and covered in mud. Hank didn’t have any friends. Until one day he was saved by a friend who would never give up on him.
The storybook series is written for children ages 4-12. Our goal in publishing these stories is to teach kids lessons in courage, friendship, giving, and the joys of life in spite of hardships. Readers will learn about Hank the Horse and his journey from a once forsaken horse to a life filled with love and many happy adventures.

“Hank’s first friend smiled and laughed. With a sparkle in her eyes, she said, “I promise to love you and other animals like you. We are going to be friends forever!”
~Book Excerpt

Equine Activity & Coloring Book
For Hank’s Sake, INC. has custom designed this fun and interactive Equine Activity Book featuring Hank the Horse and his herd mates. The activities were created to help kids understand Hank's important life lessons.
The activity book features coloring pages, word games, social skills activities, as well as learning and picture activities.
Our goal in publishing this activity book is to teach kids of all ages lessons in giving, courage, being kind, happiness, and the importance of friendship. This book is designed to help share Hank's mission, vision, and values.
The soft, cuddly plushy version of Hank The Horse® will be donated to organizations that support children. Imagine all the kids we can serve and bring happiness to with Hank plushies! Now, children all over the world can have a part of Hank, and the comfort he brings, with them.

Life Coaching for Kids
Stories are a powerful way to communicate. Using stories, Adventures in Wisdom helps kids develop a mindset for happiness, confidence, and success in their lives.
Imagine sharing a story with a child and suddenly seeing them discover their magnificence. That is powerful!
Mindset Skills are the key to instilling confidence in kids. Stories are the Answer! We Inspire and Empower Kids…ONE STORY AT A TIME. ONE BOOK AT A TIME.
Through Hank the Horse’s regular visits to libraries throughout Kentucky to promote literacy, children experience the joy of meeting a horse in real life. Also, for children unable to participate in a live library meet up, Hank The Horse® can be seen online for story time where they can listen and observe him in his natural environment at Equinox Stables, Hank’s home on the farm.
Our goal is to create an online learning portal for children to complete the Adventures in Wisdom Coaching Program by virtual methods so we can reach and impact kids all over the world