Love "Reins" Supreme
May 20, 2017
This past weekend, Equinox Stables and For Hank's Sake came together in the spirit of love at Durham Hill Farm. As the new backdrop to countless memorable wedding ceremonies to come, Hank and his beloved rescue herd roamed the rolling hills together, grazing, frolicking and frivolously photo bombing the beautiful bride and handsome groom. The barn and pastures set a soft and lovely romantic scene. The barn windows looked right out onto the wedding pasture where Tammi’s gorgeous, gentle, and glorious herd set the stage for the ceremony, a beautiful compliment to the best day of this couples’ lives.
So today we celebrate taking up occupancy in this surreal slice of heaven. As well, we celebrate the marriage of Equinox Stables, For Hank’s Sake and Durham Hill Farm and mark the official kickoff and blending of three beautiful missions born of love. Hank and his herd, with their collective brand of survival dignity and heart ended up in a place where they surround and are surrounded by joy, faith, hope, and love… and the greatest of these is love.